Category Archives: GARDEN

Low-Maintenance Gardening Tips For Busy Women on the Go


As fun and calming as gardening is, we as busy women sometimes simply don’t have the time for it. Sure, it would be great to spend our afternoons looking after our plants and harvesting vegetables in our backyards. However, that’s simply not an option for most of us. But that doesn’t mean that you have […]

How to Transform Your Empty Rooftop into a Luxurious Outdoor Space


Imagine having your own private oasis high above the city, where you can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bask in the beauty of nature. What if we told you that’s a lot easier to achieve than you may think? If you have an empty rooftop space just waiting to be transformed, […]

Not Born With a Green Thumb? Foolproof Tips for Novice Gardeners


Have you always admired those glamorous outdoor spaces and botanical beauties but felt like you were missing the green thumb gene? Don’t worry — you’re not alone. With a little guidance and some simple tricks, you too can create a luxurious garden that will make your heart bloom with joy. These are some of our […]

Small Garden? Ways to Maximize Your Outdoor Space in Style


Welcome to the world of gardening, where even the tiniest of spaces can be transformed into a luxurious oasis of botanical beauty. If you have a small garden, fret not! In this article, we’ll explore some creative and stylish ways to maximize your outdoor space. So if you’re the proud owner of a small garden […]

Interested in Vertical Greenery? These Are the Best Plants for Creating a Vertical Garden


Are you intrigued by the idea of vertical greenery? Do you long to bring the beauty of plants to new heights? If so, then a vertical garden might be the perfect solution for you. In this article, we will explore the world of vertical gardening and introduce you to a selection of the best plants […]

The Healing Power of Herb Gardens: The Best and Most Low-Maintenance Medicinal Herbs to Grow in Your Garden


Imagine stepping into a luxurious garden oasis, filled with glamorous plants and enchanting scents. Now, envision the added benefit of these plants having incredible healing properties. Welcome to the world of herb gardens, where botanical beauty meets medicinal wonders. So let’s explore the healing power of herb gardens and introduce you to some of the […]

The Best Hydrating Foods to Eat


Experts recommend keeping your body well-hydrated, during the hot summer days as well as during the cool winter when we may not expect to get dehydrated. However, water is not the only option you can have to hydrate yourself. Remember, there are numerous fruits and veggies that contain high amounts of water. As such, you […]

Organic Pest Control: Ways to Protect Your Garden Without Harmful Chemicals


Do you dream of a bountiful garden teeming with lush plants and vibrant flowers but worry about the harmful effects of chemical pesticides? Fear not, fellow garden enthusiast! Organic pest control methods offer safe and effective alternatives to protect your garden from pesky invaders while maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Here are some tried-and-true techniques that […]

4 Reasons to Choose Organic Foods


Today, organic products are popular because they are deemed healthier compared to their counterparts. However, many people don’t consume these products for various reasons. Some avoid these foods because of their high prices. Others, on the other hand, don’t know the exact benefits of these products. So, here are some reasons to choose organic foods. […]

Gardening Therapy: How to Find Mindfulness and Inner Harmony through Your Garden


In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the natural world around us. However, amidst the chaos, there exists a serene and therapeutic escape right in our own backyards – the garden. Gardening can be a transformative experience, allowing us to cultivate mindfulness, find inner peace, and reconnect […]

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