Why Every Glam Girl Should Be Gardening — How Working Outside Nourishes Your Feminine Energy


You already know that I love gardening. But do you know why that is? Because it’s not just about getting your hands dirty — it’s a transformative process, through and through. That’s why I strongly believe that everyone should be doing it, at least to some degree. But especially women! Just think about it for a second — what better way to connect with nature and our ancestors than by going back to our roots? Disconnect from social media, and the pressure of the modern world, and get your gardening gloves out. If you’re still on the fence about it, and you’re not sure how you could benefit from it, let’s explore the numerous ways in which working outside nourishes your feminine energy.

Connecting with Nature

I know that this sounds so cliche, but the ways in which we connect with nature while gardening truly can transform our outlook on life. It does not matter if you’re planting flowers, vegetables, or succulents — you’ll still be able to witness the beauty of growth and life. Gardening allows you to connect with the natural world in a way that few other activities can. You’ll find yourself feeling more grounded, centered, and connected to the earth. Plus, being surrounded by nature can help reduce stress, boost your mood, and enhance your overall sense of well-being. And that’s exactly what defines divine feminine energy — being present, playful, and connected with a bigger force.

Getting Creative


Are you missing a creative outlet in your life? Then gardening can be the perfect hobby for you. Even though we like to neglect it, creativity is an important part of our feminine energy. It allows us to explore different versions of ourselves and express our most intimate emotions. And gardening is the perfect way to do that! From designing your garden layout to selecting the perfect plants and flowers, gardening allows you to unleash your inner artist and express your unique sense of style. There’s so much to play around with! From creating the layout for your flower garden to experimenting with different co-plant varieties. This will be the perfect space for you to let your inner child roam freely.

Embracing Mindfulness

Last but not least, I want to talk about mindfulness. In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and quiet can be difficult. But gardening is the perfect opportunity to unwind and just enjoy a few quiet moments by yourself. As you focus on planting, watering, and nurturing your plants, you’ll find yourself fully present in the moment, free from distractions and worries. Which brings you in a state similar to meditation. Being mindful seems like such a straightforward and common thing. Sadly, it’s not at all. We’re constantly distracted by something, with our minds wandering from one thing to another. But getting our hands dirty and giving our minds a couple of hours to rest can be the mental rejuvenation that we’re all so desperately seeking.

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