Plant Parenting 101: Tips and Tricks for Successfully Caring for Indoor Plants


Who doesn’t love a good indoor plant? No matter what your style may be, they will make them a perfect addition to your home. However, real indoor plants need a lot of care. Which is something a lot of people tend to overlook. Especially if they are a newbie in the plant parenting world. That’s why we decided to share some of our favorite tips and tricks to help you become a successful plant parent yourself and create a thriving botanical sanctuary in your own home. Here’s everything you have to know before becoming a plant parent yourself.

Choosing the plants and placement


When embarking on your indoor plant journey, it’s crucial to choose the right plants that will thrive in your specific environment. Consider factors such as lighting conditions, temperature, and humidity levels. Some popular indoor plants that are relatively easy to care for include the resilient pothos, low-maintenance snake plant, and the elegant peace lily. These plants can tolerate a range of conditions and are perfect for beginners.

Proper lighting is vital for the health and growth of indoor plants. Most houseplants thrive in bright, indirect light. Place your plants near windows where they can receive ample natural light. However, be cautious of direct sunlight, as it can scorch the delicate leaves of some plants. To ensure even growth, rotate your plants every few weeks, allowing each side to bask in the available light.

Water and humidity

One of the most critical aspects of plant care is watering. Overwatering or underwatering can have detrimental effects on your plants. Before watering, always check the moisture level of the soil. Insert your finger about an inch deep into the soil; if it feels dry, it’s time to water. Use room temperature water and ensure that excess water drains out from the pot to prevent waterlogged roots. Remember, each plant has unique watering needs, so observe and adjust accordingly.

Creating the right humidity levels for your indoor plants can contribute to their overall health. Many indoor plants thrive in slightly humid environments. Increase humidity by misting your plants with water daily or placing a tray filled with water near them. Another effective method is to group plants together, which creates a microclimate that mimics a natural humid environment. However, be cautious not to mist plants with fuzzy leaves, as excess moisture can promote fungal growth. A well-humidified environment will keep your plant’s foliage lush and vibrant.


To ensure your plants receive the necessary nutrients, it’s essential to fertilize them. Opt for organic, vegan-friendly fertilizers that are free from animal products. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Always follow the instructions on the packaging and avoid overfertilizing, as it can lead to nutrient burn. Fertilizing provides the extra boost your plants need to thrive and maintain their lush foliage.

Pest prevention

Indoor plants are not immune to pests, but there are natural ways to keep them at bay. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests, such as sticky residue or small holes on leaves. Use organic insecticidal soap or make your own spray using a mixture of water and mild dish soap. Neem oil is another effective natural insecticide. Additionally, wiping the leaves with a damp cloth periodically removes dust and potential pest eggs, keeping your plants healthy and pest-free.

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